the morning show is by far one of the best television shows i have ever seen, and i’ve only seen three episodes so far. the plot is extremely interesting and is related to what is happening in the real world right now. i don’t know how to describe how well our together it is and how powerful it’s already become. Aniston’s character is incredibly portrayed and i’m absolutely blown away at how so many people are just realizing Jennifer’s talent. Jen has been slept on by so many people over the many years she’s been in this business and i’m so glad her talent is finally being seen. not only does she portray her character (Alex Levy) very well, but the character herself is extremely raw and true. In an interview Aniston told ya why she related to the character and while watching the show i could really see her reasoning and why this character is so perfect for her. Next, Reese and Steve do an incredible job expressing their characters as well. Bradley (Reese’s character) is not very much like her, in my opinion, but Reese overall does a very great job at connecting and becoming the character. Also, i will never be able to see Steve the same way after him being the character he is. We all usually know Carrell as Michael Scott, from the office, and now i hope we will learn to remember him as Mitch. well... not Mitches character... but the way Steve does such a great job during his performance as Mitch. did that make sense? i don’t know lol. Anyway, do not listen those bad reviews about the show, they really are not true and i already think the show deserves more recognition and it’s just begun. Lastly, another thing i truly love about this show is that a lot of the creators are female. Aniston and Reese are both executive producers and there are so many more powerful women working on this production. ok bye lol