The show was funny and had light humor. It is definitely watchable as the lead actors have all done a good job. However, I found the last episode disappointing for many reasons. a) i thought jae hoon was better suited to joon- his love felt more real- so i felt bad that if at all the writers had to pair up, then they should have done that; b) the lack of growth of byun hyuk character at the end- again the writers showed that he was immature after all that he went through ; c) It was portrayed as people with money have the upper hand- as hyuk drops his work so easily just to follow joon, where all she has planned to go. Obviously jae hoon cannot do that as he has to make a living.
I felt that they could have ended it with all three of them on a flight for a short vacation to see aurora, if adding the norway trip to the story was really needed. There should not have been any pairing- all as friends- leaving to the viewer's imagination who Joon would eventually end up with. ( especially since they showed a scene where Jae Hoon says he will wait for her answer- she doesnt have to say a 'yes' or ' no' immediately).