I am an extremely passionate football player in real life and have been involved with the fifa franchise since fifa 13. For me, playing fifa each year and keeping up with what's happening in the footballing world through a game is nothing more than something special. And if I'm honest EA have created an amazing game each year until this year. For me because have loved fifa in the past so much, I have spent 6 months trying to alter my mindset about this game, try to enjoy it, and want to buy next year's game. But because of this year's fifa I can comfortably say I have not enjoyed one second of it, their delay, their money focus promotions, their awful gameplay, their toxic community, their unrewarding weekend leagues... I could go on. I will not be buying it this year and I have never been so disappointed with a game that I feel I should write a review for it. Good riddance to this rubbish.