Ok I will say that they stepped away from the typical Stephen King remake that tends to always lack his horror type cast,..so don’t expect that, it’s more like his style of a children's horror, kind of like creep show ..This is a great movie, because for one it’s well made,& not a silly film like many other horror films,it’s got a younger cast with a well acted cast of younger kids and well known established actors which gives it a great feel & it lands somewhere between a adult R film and a PG 13 film..its better than the original because of how easy going it is for a horror film,& has that seat of the pants feel the whole time, unlike the original which felt like a mystery Novel in the beginning.it could of been made into a comedy very easy with just a few Different scenes ,that said maybe someone will make it into one someday ..anyway if you like horror that’s not over the top ,then you should enjoy this