I have a great respect for the reporters on CNN and the way they relay and inform the viewers of home and international affairs. Unfortunately with the case of Harry and Meghan they have not got it right and should have done their homework and have therefore shown bias. The British people welcomed Meghan and their was no racism involved. Meghan has chosen to call the racism card in order to gain more attention and as for not having a roof over their heads, what about the house which was given to them in England? it was obviously not good enough for them and they chose to leave the country and then claim they had no income! Don't forget the wedding they had at the British tax payers expense! As for deciding that it is because she is a black woman, is her father not white? You cannot burn bridges and then expect sympathy from the family you chose to marry into. They have chosen their future country to bring their family up in, probably the most racist country in the world.