Mysterious Lotus Casebook is an awesome Wuxia drama with a beautiful and mysterious storyline. Small mysteries leads to a big case. The wisdom of Li Lianhua is mind-blowing, the way he uses his life experience to detect the case situation, what could had happened or what is going to happen in future and then leading to a perfect conclusion is excellent.
The trio of Li Lianhua, Fang Doubing and Did Feisheng is unbeatable, they together solve the cases effortlessly.
Li Xiangyi's transformation to Li Lianhua, Martial Arts (Xiangyi Swordplay) of Li Xiangyi are also one of the Highlights of the drama.
The ending is also a little heart-touching, leading to a new mystery that whether Li Lianhua is alive or he is dead.
Really enjoyed a lot watching this drama. And I recommend it to everyone to have a look at this masterpiece.