God created a boy/girl JUST the way you should BE
My Testimony
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen I’m going to give you a wrap up of this story. On August 5 2004 I lost my life. But to get it back is a extra ordinary thing. Oh yes I am going to tell you about my wreck. (Like in the first sentence i’m going to make this fast) I was at Walmart (Lake Jackson) being followed by a gang. [I didn’t know any of them] (4)AM Was the time when this happened. So it sure did change quickly so my friend Robert were chased down. Now that’s beyond moving way to fast. I imagine it was because I was doing everything to get away from them. I give it all to the GOD who loved me threw the wreck. Even though I didn’t deserve it. But Which I still we’ll say I don’t know why I’m here. He must love me as well as YOU. And I have to thank all those prayers never had to much of that! Because He loves us all the same. Well I have a feeling that I’m supposed to tell you about all of this. So you can glorify His name! There were 11 gang members (13) in all. Why did it turn out to be so fast? Did we flip? Yes 3 times.
But at first they couldn’t get me breathing again. (It was done GOD put it in the workers at Houston Memorial to save me. After the coma I was involved in. Which lasted about three weeks.) Can I admit something? I forgave all the gang members involved in my wreck. Do they know it yet? No probably not, that’s GOD’S job 😊 He knows I have for giving them. And His Son JESUS w/ HOLY SPIRIT, it’s like they were watching out for me. God bless them
(3 in 1) I do mess up like everyone does. I still live with the right side of my body all messed up & Double Vision. Well that we have to be Thankful for everything we have gotten along my journey.
And I would be NO WHERE without the support of my family! Bless them for watching over me. GOD knows me better then I do. But all of this wouldn’t have been possible if I didn’t have help when I needed it. I just pray that each one of you can glorify Him as He deserves it. PTL Like I remember going to Dr Francisco’s and wasn’t expecting to come out there with anything. But he fixed part of my ankle PTL. And when you’re grateful for whatever The Lord can give you 🙏🏻
God loves you! This story is meant to HELP all of you. Also this story NEEDS TO BE SPREAD so go out there and spread it. God knows before you do about it working out for your benefit. I am no one perfect, we all have that sin in our lives. We just have the REPENT and M-E-A-N it.
Just remember have FAITH, even if it’s small God can work a miracle for you.
I have felt The HolySpirit before, sometimes you’re like awesome. Other times you want more of that same feeling.
Wake up people!! Bulgaria is it the only place that’s left where is are people who do not yet know. (Greece,Turkey in that area) About the One Jesus of course there are some people that are over there right now. Spreading The Word.
Bless You