I was wholly unimpressed with this piece overall. Setting aside the fact that it was an excuse to shove porn at me. I really wanted to love the premise at first, because they had an ideal setting and a point of view that was inclusive and relatable, especially to LGBTQ+ people. However, the acting of the main character was incredibly flat. I felt little to zero attachment to them. Considering the great lengths they went to try and make them relatable, I could not have cared less whether they lived or died.
The dialogue was reminiscent of what my high school students would write. And the "I am the decider of my destiny" type lines from the main character were so incredibly forced.
I also feel very lied to. This was heavily marketed as a horror film. I am someone who scares easily and enjoys the adrenaline rush of the genre. And I experienced NO horror or suspense. The special effects didn't even match up to the supposed crimes. One instance was someone being showed via shadow getting "slashed" multiple times. And yet, only one mark on the body when it is revealed. Also, they were more graphic with their sex scenes than they were with the actual death scenes. This is basically porn dressed up as a horror film, and the costume doesn't fit very well.