Boring storyline. Very slow. Not much talking. I get the message but I don't think it's necessary to drag the film to 2h30m with slow and boring storyline. The ending is too simple, just like that? Too much hanging. What happened to aoy and tone relationship? They didn't clarify anything, their romance story fade just like that without any clear clarification. Anyway lot's of things is hanging and the storyline is predictable and slow. Why does everyone in the movie hard to speak? Most of the time they're just using expressions to describe what's happening and most of the time we couldn't understand what they are trying to say. Waste my 2h30m with that kind of ending.
I like the part when they cooked the food because what happened in kitchen is actually the reality of kitchens job. I also like where they make slow motion on the food they cooked to let audience feel it.