Ill start by saying im a big bethesda fan, Fallout and the Elder Scrolls have been huge in my childhood. I WANTED to like this game, and there were some small aspects that I did get some enjoyment out of, however even those apsects become tedious when overshadowed by all its crippling flaws. For starters the groundbreaking exploration we were promised is simply not present, 90% of the planets you come across are barren empty rocks and the only time youre in control of your ship is when hovering outside a png of a planet, being in control of your ship isnt fun either, theres absolutely zero advanced controls or evasive maneuvering when it comes to ship to ship combat so it basically becomes a game of shoot and see who runs out of health first, some of the worst space combat ive ever seen honestly. Theres a big ship building/customization mechanic that is made absolutely usless by the above facts, not to mention the customization process itself is beyond infuriating to deal with, "YOU CAN BUILD ANYTHING" as long as you arent met with 12 different errors. Then theres the god awful npc AI, Ive seen better AI in games from a decade ago. The enemies ALWAYS know where you are and will often times shoot through or around walls at you so stealth builds are hardly possible, id say the AI is almost as bad as Redfalls. There is no variability to human enemies either, every location is the same copy paste facilities with the same copy paste enemies. Your decisions hardly affect the world around you, you could become a significant member of a afction and then go to another faction and they will still describe the other faction to you like youre a nobody. If you attack a trader ship and kill the engines, and then hail them, they will speak to you like you didnt just destroy their engines. Theres zero impact for anything you do. Followers are awful as well, entirley useless in a fight, VASCO sometime runs away from the fight just to stand directly behind you like youre a meat shield. The alien life is no better, theyre entirely bland and uninspired apart from the terrormorphs, ive often found myself standing on a rock and shooting at the wildlife as they stare blankly at me from the bottom just waiting to die. Then theres the MF LOADING SCREENS, youd think after being in business for decades bethesda would have figured it out by now but no, this is the worst its ever been. 75% of the game is spent in a Cutscene, a Load screen, or a damn menu. Theres a cutscene to take off, a cutscene to land, a cutscene to dock your ship, a loadscreen between each of those, a loadscreen to get on and off your ship, two menus t fast travel and a cutscene and loadscreen after that, and then the rest of your time is spent in the menu resource managing with awful UI, ITS RIDICULOUS. Not to mention the severely lacking quality of life features. Basic descriptions are well... undescriptive, theres no minimap for cities like really? No icons for shops nothing, hipfiring is often more accurate than iron sights like how does that make sense, etc etc etc etc. If this game was made and released in a year id expect this, but they spent EIGHT YEARS on this???!!! For how long this was in development, and for how much we were promised, theres absolutely no excuse for it to be this lackluster. I spent more enjoyable time playing GOF2 on mobile when it released like a decade and a half ago.