I am so disgusted with the Democrats. Juan's behavior yesterday was pathetic. I don't blame Greg for erupting at Juan. The Democrats hate Trump and conservatives. The government and media are corrupt. The media, except Fox News, promotes propaganda. Why aren't Hillary, Comey, McCabe, and Brennan in jail? The fall of great civilizations always falls from within - corruption.
As far as Otto Warmbier - the Obama administration advised Warmbier's parents to remain silent and look at what happened to him. Obama did nothing for America. Oh he speaks well, but, he's not a warrior. Of course, he's now a rich past president - he made out. The lessson I learned with President Trump is that I will always vote for a businessman. President Trump truly believes in America. So far, all the democrat presidential candidates are phonies. They'll say anything to get your vote.
Why bother reviewing Democrats. Maybe, we'll end up at war with each other. Sure looks like we're heading towards a revolution.