I started watching this show and from the first episode I thought it was a cool concept but the execution was very poor. I've done a good bit of research on novel writing, screenwriting and suspense, not to mention i'm an avid thriller fan so I saw what they were doing: taking traditional horror thriller tropes and flipping them on their heads (the fancy word for this is subversion). The first episode had an evil dude who goes around and murders women he deems are bad mothers. Turns out he begins stalking this crazy chick who is pretending to be a mother, she ends up offing him before he could off her. This is cool IN CONCEPT but was pretty poorly executed. I guess the producers of this show were just expecting the audience to be SO engrossed not to notice that we never see the baby's face and that the mother was acting super super strange around her baby because there is a white male serial killer stalking her? I suspected immediately that the baby was a doll. While it is wise to foreshadow a twist this really has to be subtle.
As I continued watching this show I began noticing a very predictable formula and messaging. These episodes always hit a very predictable beat, always with a VERY apparent SJW/Woke undertone (so apparent its really an overtone). You can go into an episode looking for whoever looks like a straight / rich / white person and know that they are going to end up getting their head bashed in the end.