I dont know why these people are complain.. Im running a 2060 with Ray tracing oh high everything and my graphics are perfect.
Graphics aside. The game does have some noticeable visual bugs out the gate. My first time to my apartment had people running away from me like I had my gun out.. Which I did in the elevator but put it away before the door opened. But once they started running they were doing the standing floating run where there legs didn't move.
That was the only time that happened.. And other than that maybe only 2 more visual bugs I've seen.
The bug bug was completing my first ripperdoc section. There is a known bug for this where it doesn't let you progress and the o ly option is to pay this man gold immediately for the work he just did on loan which didn't make sense. Instead just reloading the last autosave puts you right where you were and triggers it to continue. It did leave a subtitle in the screen but a later save and reload fixed that as well.
So bugs aside.
The game feels.... Ok. I never played GTA except for GTA 1 and 2 which are not the same type of game so I can't compare it. I will say it doesn't feel as well done as red dead redemption 2. The city is amazing so far and the freedom is pretty amazing. But the systems feel clunky a little bit like they just don't have that right amount of polish on them. A better ui design might fix that feeling of being lost in the menus but I doubt it.
It's really just borderlands with a lot of loot. I havent completed the campaign yet but so far the campaign feels more like a massive tutorial than anything which is having me have somewhat of a hard time maintaining interest.
The game play feels ok but it's like a mix of batman arkham city, borderlands, and Hitman all rolled into one but missed the mark a little on merging those systems flawlessly.
It feels like it's going to be a grind after the campaign is done without anything to grind for. Which is disappointing.