I always enjoyed her shows. Fiesty and funny even when at times she annoyed me.
The Judy Justice series is totally not the same. She cant follow any of the people's stories and puts litigants in a defensive posture just cause she cant retain and follow series of events. Constantly asks for repetive answers until finally a light bulb goes off.
I would recommend she stop making a mockery of the courts and herself. Her age may not show due to cosmetic surgery however her mind is not attentive, retentive, or intelligent. She is an embarassment and as much i like her I AM EMBARASSED FOR HER. I now know why she has her grand daughter sit beside her. Judy i must say you look very foolish and somewhat less than due to the effects of aging. I still admire you, but please for your own reputation and self respect ITS TIME TO HANG IT UP FOR GOOD.
LOVE YOU, not this series