Trash. There's a reason why it's free.
The game is suppose to follow a rock paper scissors (general, support and raid) type of deal with the MS. Yeah no, doesn't happen. Raids are pretty much king in the game and there ain't no way around it. Generals make up a majority and are competitive to raids but still not much of a match. And supports are picked if you want to lose.
People will cry that raids are underbalanced but when a raid can stun lock you and then beam saber you for ALL of your health, doesn't sound underbalanced at all. Oh, and some raid MS ignore the stun factor so good luck stopping a rushing raid MS cuz they keep trucking right through a stun shot to slash you down. And they have top priority for melee. So if you're anything but a raid, they'll just take priority and proceed to wipe out your health bar. To put it into perspective, one shot from a beam rifle, fully charged takes away about 1800-2400 HP out of an average health pool of 16000-20000. You also have to wait about 2-3 seconds between shots and typically in 3-4 shots will force a cool down (about 20 seconds). A raid will wipe out your health pool in the time it takes for you to fire your second shot. Balanced huh?
There's also a ranking system, which definitely gets abused. There are so many sandbaggers it's ridiculous. I've seen D- pilots in D- matches
steam rolling the entire team. I check their profile after the match, they've played one game with pretty much no achievements. Gundam BO2. So the game is brutal to noobs because people abuse the ranking system.
The wait for matchmaking takes a while. But no surprise there. No one is playing because the game sucks, it's unfair and very one sided.