The film provides an initial introduction to the controversial discourse regarding gender definition. On one hand, the documentary (if it could be called that), explores the possible perceived divorce of sex and gender, on another, such terminology could be deemed one and the same. Whichever side you find yourself agreeing with, it is clear that the feelings of some individuals are not being heard. These individuals may struggle with the Constructs of what is considered gender expression, which were assigned to them. Has science truly done its work? If it is true that many feel a certain way, about their gender? Or are feelings truly a scientific basis for anything.? Those feelings could be the reflection that there is a possibility that one may be biologically female for instance, but identify as a male. The question however is whether those feelings should be acted upon by way of medical intervention. Or, how intrinsic are those feelings really? Practical decision could be made about the alteration of one's body? Is gender a social construct? I will shave one star off, because I feel as though several topics were discussed, but not thoroughly explored. This could be more like a series, not so much a short documentary. I am hesitant to use the term documentary, because many documentaries given in depth evaluation in an unbiased fashion of a different views. This So called documentary, definitely leans in the right direction, If right and left were conservative and liberal respectively. Is it a scientific question, what is a woman? If that be the case, the subjective exploration, may there will be deviating from the truth. Documentaries have the power to be selective as to whom they Interview, what they show, and what they cut out, This, obviously can observe as a positive way of parsing out data, but it could also serve as a destructive way to manipulate the audience. Ultimately, the documentary was entertaining, it was appalling, and it was informative, but only serves as an introduction to a very large topic. But it did all those things, however, miniscule, very well, which is why it retains its high star rating for me.