This show is a show about a family in another country (Greece?). The family's oldest brother's name is "Peaky Blinder" and that's where they got the name for the show. His brothers are "Perky Blinder" (he is optimistic!) and "Porky Blinder" (he struggles with overeating) and their sister's name is "Pinky Blinder" (who is a girl).
This show is not for children because there is a lot of swearing and stabbing and walking near fire but it all winds up ok in the end. Peaky, Perky, Porky and Pinky get into so much trouble every episode, but one thing they can agree upon is their love of spaghetti. The music of the series is something to describe as well because it is all written by Jack Black.
In summary, Peaky Blinders is a lesson in contrasts!