The movie is a coming-of-age story of two girls (Sue and Bell) in a quiet and quaint province of Chanthaburi. Sue (Jennis BNK48) was trying to leave her birthplace behind, while Bell (Music BNK48) helped her friend complete some unfinished business before leaving.
The movie's pace is definitely unlike those mainstream movies. People who like to absorb and analyze the dialogs and moods of the characters and the atmospheres will appreciate so many hidden and meaningful nuances and subtleties. Several society issues were included, for example, friend and family relationships, generation gaps, abortion, culture, politics, and soul searching.
Although the movie focused on the teenagers, audiences of any age can relate to the protagonists and ask themselves 'where do I belong?' 'even if you go to the edge of the world, will you find it?'
Perhaps it's not about where, but about how to be at peace with yourself.