Game start point was interesting for the first hour but no real tutorials, wonky controls, limited mob types, and the absolute tediousness of crafting anything in this game had me almost regretting my purchase. Then I discovered that the overly expansive and boring start zone littered with cooking pots was just a very small dot in a very large world and I became excited again.
I played for 10 hours before encountering my first foray into pvp. If you really want to call it that. You see apparently you can "fly." So my first exp was of a player "dropping" in knocking me out for 999 seconds. You read that right; 999 seconds! The player stole ALL my fragments, which is the currency used to unlock talents, and steal everything I had. And because I'd played the allotted 2 hours I could not get a refund. The toxicity alone is really what sealed the deal for me. Git gud is the common saying but I'd rather have my money back instead.