So disappointed,! My girlfriend & I would watch SATC religiously, taking each episode as a jump off point to talk about our own relationships--- but this? AJLT- WHY?? Why makeMiranda an idiot. Why do I need to see Carrie need a hip replacement, Steve with a hearing aid?
I have enough of that in real life,! Why can't we remember Carrie& Big going off together into the sunset, Charlotte finally getting the family she longed for-and the foursome still thick as thieves?
What does this series teach us? Every cringable stereotype in the modern world makes an appearance- so what? Where is the insight? The girls cope with age the way we are all doing. So what? AJLT loads in every conceivable contemporary issue from COVID to gender ID-pile it on, show--& to what end?
The original was groundbreaking-- sometimes enough is too much, & you just have to let sleeping dogs lie----let me remember the characters as I last saw them, and just smile.