The Expanse is definitely one of the best sci-fi shows ever made. It is set in the near future and is initially focussed on the tensions between Earth, the independent militarised colony of Mars, and the exploited resources and people of the Belt, and how they react to the arrival of the first alien technology. The show takes a realistic view of what early space exploration would be like, with a lot of effort put into showing the effects of huge distances, acceleration forces, and lack of gravity, and also in the way it deals with the human motivations and failings of its characters and groups. Events unfold slowly but don't let that put you off, as this gives time to show how people interpret and react to them differently and surface interesting questions about humanity. The main cast are all really good and the sets and CGI are fantastically well done. The scope and vision of the series also increases with each season in a way that really emphasises how much we don't understand and how much there is to explore.