OK. Let me start out by saying that the other reviews of this game are by people who are OBVIOUSLY tilted about the game itself, or some business decision by riot. Or, they are so poorly written that it looks like Riot spent about a hundred bucks on SEO services from an over-seas provider.
NOW. I play league of legends, a lot. But before i review my personal opinion or experience about the game, I will preface with this; I am going to give you MY review of the game, in contrast to other games across many other platforms. I hope that this will give someone out there honest knowledge of the product to inform them better when deciding to download or not.
League of Legends (LoL) is a multiplayer pvp style strategy game involving 2 teams of 5 in the most traditional game style with some slight variances in other modes. The game is free to download, and anything you purchase in game is cosmetic, or basically being purchased to circumvent what is sometimes a large amount of games played in order to earn characters etc. The game contains no playable story mode or PVE of any type worth mentioning. The interface is very much like any RTS game or ARPG, wherein you take an angled birds-eye view of the ground and control your character within an arena using the mouse and keyboard. Each teams' goal is to destroy the enemies nexus (base) by destroying a series of defensive structures along each "lane". You must kill enemy characters, fight over possession of powerful neutral objectives, and monitor your minions throughout the game.
Pretty straight forward idea, and is easy to pick up. As I have progressed my skill level in league (to nothing overly impressive mind you), I have learned of the levels of complexity and strategy this game contains. It is incredibly fun to play when you begin to understand what you are doing and how it affects the game. Overall it is free to download, basically an endless well of content that is all done pretty well, and a challenging video game. If you are someone who get's emotionally distressed very easily from losing a game, things people type that you choose to read, or any of the other "tea-bag-ish" behaviors associated with player versus player games, I do NOT recommend you play it. The games take a significant amount of time, so when you are one of the main reasons your team is losing, you are wasting hours of peoples' time in their eyes. They are not going to be very nice about that. So if you don't get bothered by some names and mean words, I say give league a shot.