The story was all about Rihan and Naira the main character. It contain eighteen chapter and each and every chapter contain there own path. This story was beautiful and sad too at the same time. Naira a cute simple girl with full of cold behaviour met Rihen, a heartbroken guy on their trek trip to Manali. He is attracted towards her but he didn't accept it because of his past. The other two chracter are Aaruhi and karan. They'll are in the same train trip with Raju sir. Rihen was totally in a feeling of love at first sight but atlast karan also starts liking Naira. So it was we can say a love triangle. Cover was preety good. Author has doing his full effort to make this book a perfect read, if you once start reading this book you might feel suspense that what's happens next. So what happen with Naira?
Is this love triangle was right?
What happened when Naira know about this?
Grab your copy and read it soon.