This game only improves on the past games graphics.
That's it.
Everything else is just a step backwards.
a quick example is the battle maps, they have a grid on them but no grid references, so you can't make call outs to your coop buddies.
You also have no real control over your ai lance mates. Attack my target, Move to where I'm pointing, Attack or hold fire and follow me are the only commands you have.
So don't expect to pull off any complicated strategies.
Brawn over brain in this game.
Exspect to see lots of friendly explosion as the dumb ai continuously runs to its death.
Gotta love those repair Bill's.
There is no tactics to the game other than have better mechs. everybattle is just a clusterf***
And how the hell does a pilots skill level with a weapon type effect the amount of damage they do with that weapon! I can understand improving the ai's accuracy, but the damage the weapon actually does, that's just magical! Not to mention dumb.
And why did they set it in 3015... I can only assume it's so they could cut down on the number of mechs....
But that just creates a mess of cannon problems.
so unfortunately that means no clan mechs, no omni slots and no clan weapons. so there little todo but tweak the stock fits of each mech. Don't expect to be doing any crazy custom fits.
I wouldn't complain but with the way that time passes in game you could easily pass the cannon date of the clan invasion and other mechwarrior universes events... I bet nothing happens in game...
I would accept this as an attempted reboot, but they called it mechwarrior 5 mercenaries so it's getting judged as such.