I rarely watched this show after the Matt/Ann debacle, but now, without a doubt, I will NEVER watch it again. Savannah’s interviews of the Covington kid and the older man were so biased and slanted for the older man. I am infuriated with the way she tried to get the kid to apologize and admit wrong but not the adult man. The kid did nothing wrong. Why didn’t the older man approach the 4 black men who started it all? He said that he heard what they were saying. Why walk over to the space that the kids were in while waiting for their bus? Why did the adult have to beat his drum inches away from the kid’s face? Those are three of the many important questions she should have asked the adult man. Why did she not call out the adult man for the untruthful statements he had made about the situation before the full video was found and shown? Why was she so sympathetic towards the adult but not the young student? Why did she turn this adult into the victim? This is all so typical. Everyone knows the answer. This happened bc some of the boys were wearing maga hats. It’s very simple. Liberals do not like Trump bc he is wealthy, he is not owned by anyone, he doesn’t speak their pc language, he is white, he isn’t a politician and he has made our economy great again. The msm and the libs would rather risk the lives of the Covington students and place the older man on a pedestal and make him such a victim all bc they hate Trump. This story blew up bc the media didn’t get all the facts once again. Savannah and NBC did an awful job with all of this fluff they put out. They are not to ever be trusted. Where’s the real hard hitting journalism that we all want whether we are a republican or Democrat? And another thing- why are the black men not being charged with a hate crime? The country is all about no bullying and prosecuting the bullies. Were they not bullying the white Covington kids? Just imagine for a moment what would have happened if it were 4 white men throwing out racial and derogatory slurs to a group of black catholic high schoolers that were wearing Obama hats. The aclu and their flunkies would have descended before daybreak. It’s a sad place in time.