Of all the Netflix shows we've watched, Ertugral is my favorite by far! I keep wanting not to finish it--I want it to go on and on. As some other viewers have said, it seems more like reality than a show--I find myself dreaming about the characters, wondering what they're doing, thinking about them before I go to sleep! The action is so well done, the costumes so fabulous, the horses so beautiful and well trained! I, like I'm sure a lot of other women, am at least halfway in love with Ertugral. Sometimes there's a lack of logic to what the characters do, but as my husband keeps telling me, Hey! It's a movie. I, too, have been edified by the instruction about Islam, finding myself wanting more information and wondering why so many modern-day Muslims don't seem to be living the teachings. I'd love to know if "Ertugral" will be starring in any more series--if so, I can't wait to watch. Thank you for a stunning series.