As a huge fan of the Book and Robert Downey Jr. I've been looking forward to the movie for years. Literally. So I expected nothing less than a perfect adaption and representation of the book, the history and education this Pulitzer Prize winning book. Perhaps it was the high expectation that colors my disappointment.
Based on the stellar reviews I am clearly in the minority. But I would be lying if I said that it delivered the same for me.
While it had all of the basic story lines and an outstanding cast nailed down. The performance(s) by RDJr. Were so exaggerated and overdone that seems to distract feather than add to the story. It played like a dark comedic parody rather than the raw and grittiness of the book.
I could go on but will only say that I was sadly disappointed and hope that anyone that watches the movie whether they love or hate it will take the time to read the book. If you haven't watched it, save yourself the trouble and read it first or instead of.
For me the series was a ⭐️⭐️at best.