My review of the live-action 2022 Pinocchio movie unfolds with a mix of initial optimism and eventual disappointment. While the movie started on a promising note, the scene featuring the classic characters' clocks veered into cringe-worthy and annoying territory. The CGI, unfortunately, failed to meet expectations, and the songs, regrettably, proved forgettable.
On the positive side, Pinocchio's voice actor delivered a commendable performance, bringing depth to the character. However, the depiction of the cricket came off as creepy and less than great, contributing to the overall impression of a film on a constrained budget. The attempt at a luxury rendition of the original masterpiece classic Pinocchio fell short, missing the essence of the story's core message.
The narrative seemed to deviate from the fundamental theme of Pinocchio learning to discern right from wrong, making choices, and facing consequences. This departure from the original storyline, particularly in Pinocchio's deceitful actions, left a sense of confusion and missed opportunities for a more profound exploration.
The visual portrayal of characters like the fox and the cat, while photo-realistic, leaned towards the creepy side. The scene in Pleasure Island, though visually appealing, lacked the depth required to fully capture Pinocchio's transformation. Unfortunately, the CGI during the donkey transformation scenes was notably subpar, detracting from the overall viewing experience.
In terms of the voice acting, there were instances where the delivery felt forced and unnatural, impacting the emotional resonance of crucial scenes. The addition of new characters appeared unnecessary, contributing little to the overall narrative and failing to enhance the story's depth.
The movie, regrettably, falls short of expectations, earning a rating of 1 out of 10. The lackluster execution of both visual and narrative elements, coupled with questionable casting choices, leaves much to be desired. As a viewer, I would recommend revisiting the original Pinocchio for a more satisfying and authentic cinematic experience. Highly do not watch this movie watch the original one