Slight spoilers possible
The Marvel, the sequel to The captain Marvel film. Was a real shock for me. Like a lot of people I have found myself feeling the superhero fatigue, especially as I wasn’t a fan of the first one. Anyway the film is action packed and full of funny moments that felt genuine. Brie Larson was actually great in this which was the biggest surprise her performance in previous films was poor but in this one she actually felt like a hero in the MCU like other lead characters. The addition of miss marvel was pure joy to watch and a great reflection of the comic book character she is based on. And Monica Rambo is interesting, but needs further fleshing out in future films and series. Samuel L Jackson is abit confusing considering this is set after secret invasion but it’s fun to see him acting like the old nick fury from the first one again. The villain’s motivations are very understandable. But it does make you want to see more of what happen between her and captain Marvel. The cats stole the show in every scene. I’ve seen people get confused why places were attacked in the film I didn’t find it confusing so I’d just say watch it again or look it up as the reason is to replenish resources on a dying world pretty simple to understand.
The cameo in the post credit is awesome the ending got me excited to see what the MCU has install next with deadpool 3.
Don’t believe the marvel is in crisis people are peddling its click bait. It’s just changed to first to set up new characters, stories and an over arcing narrative which is slowly forming if you look for it. Not as easy to see as first three phases but it’s a more complex idea