Huge Sopranos fan, have watched the whole series at least 4 times and rewatched it before this movies release to freshen myself up on what happened during the series that may tied into the movie. I'm 26 and this is the only bad review I've felt the need to come write online. Starts off super slow, some of the characters from the original series were done really well like Paulie and Livia, but too many were overdone from their original depictions like Silvio, when it starts getting good they end it abruptly on a point that makes no sense, and what's worse is that the ending is blatantly announced through lazy writing that backdrops on a Sopranos reference, so you know 30 mins before it ends that that's all there is so you are not drawn in what so ever. Waste of time, lazy writing, should have just kept the series strong instead of leaving a sour taste with a shallow movie. There are alot of other very specific comparatives from what is referenced in the Sopranos and how it in no way what so ever lines up with what happens or what is shown in the movie, but am trying to leave out spoilers for anyone who still wants to see the movie.