Re:Creators is an incredibly ingenious anime, which regrettably is being dubbed as another isekai anime with a clever twist.
The level of genius on the plot and the main villain is so good, it could have been the winner of best original animation award in 2017, if such award existed on crunchyroll.
I can guarantee this is an anime for everyone. It has a wide variety of characters - from fantasy to gangsters, from magical girls to mecha. And some excellent hybrid genre characters. Of course the animators nailed the genuinity on the real world characters. That is something to be said.
But there was a subtle hollowness felt throughout the series. This could have been due to lacking depth to the wide cast of the characters. I feel it was inevitable, considering how giving depth to those characters would have mellowed out the series even more. So, I think that can be forgiven. Even so, this hollowness could have destroyed this whole series. But it was covered up by plot management so excellent, I would give my ultimate props to that story writer.
It may not seem like it, but Sota was the real deal in this anime. He was the real protagonist, even though he just called himself just the narrator. Keep that in mind.
Some say the plot of the first half of the series is just covered up with useless fights, but I can directly say that they are wrong. If you are saying they should have directly introduced the second half of the series, then you are making a big mistake. The conflict build was required. The already wide range of characters were in a need of further development of character and they were given that, in order to make that hollowness subtle and not glaringly obvious.
Finally, I would like to say that not everyone will be able to connect with this story. Some might say it is just for popcorn burn, but that would be because they weren't able to relate to this story. The people who would be able to relate to this story the most will be the creators. Yes you heard me right. The people who create worlds of themselves would be able to relate to this story the most. Me being a creator of my own world surely has fallen in love with this series. That being said, I am not saying that the audience consisting of the consumers will not be able to enjoy this one. But this anime teaches something only authors and artists understand.
On that happy note, I would end this review by saying this series is a masterpiece and a classic under-credited for. Do try to watch this series with an open mind and not just for popcorn burn.