I've been following, watching & going to Tyler Perry plays since he visit Mphs. The more I'm seeing in his productions & writing of scripts he has changed. Why do everything now has to be about black women being abused and disrespected.! He has white women in his movies and series why they not being abused and disrespected. In sista the white girl at the bank disrespected Maurice. Who has spoken to him in suchlike matter ever.! No one he puts a white girl to do it.! Tyler Perry needs to check himself for I'm tired of his disrespectful mannerisms toward black women's. There's other races of women going thru the same thing. Film and write about them, they in his movies with other blacks not being disrespected. Black in Divorce I did rate it 5 stars for women's of all races needs to fight back when it first starts. I did for I loves God first & I definite loves me. My mom let us know no man can be your dad you don't let him be one dating or in marriage ever you fight back. There's always a mother he wants to be a dad you be a mother they discipline to.! Mom words God himself is the #1 father always forever he gave you # 2 Father's the one he blessed to bring you into this world.! With Tyler there's either a lot of disrespect, gayness, sex, and abuse. Like Oval, Sista and please don't forget Ruthless that definitely needs to be banned you got a man cult leader having sex with babies young boys.! And making the young girls sell their bodies. Is Tyler Perry really respecting his black women's and the young teens.! No He Isn't if I was a parent he would be in serious trouble.!! He's better off going back to doing plays.! Money will change ppl especially if it's being approved.!