This cartoon sitcom, was really fun to watch. The adult cartoon, revolves around a middle class family that is struggling with their every day life. The best part of the show is that since it's a cartoon, they can put in more zany and wacky moments, and with that creates this really fun show to watch. At the same time I really enjoyed how this cartoon sitcom continues it's storyline, and not having to reset like other cartoon sitcoms such as Family Guy or American Dad, or any of Seth MacFarlane cartoon's. Netflix did a great job in sponsoring this show, as it is one of the most fun to watch show for anyone except for kids and tweens, since it does cover some very mature moments.
I will now commence with it's flaws.
The show's flaws happen whenever there are scenes in which certain objects or character's appearance change in a matter of changing frames. However with its vibrant color, and interesting dialogue it hides it.
Another flaw is a very miniscule flaw, and a personal opinion, and that is it's character's designs. Most of the people on the sitcom, don't look as appealing, but over time I've gotten used to it, and really enjoyed it after a while. It takes time for the brain to comprehend a unique character designs.
The show's storyline and episodes, are very interestingly fun to watch, there are certain moments, in which you feel sad, happy, angry, cringed, and all other sorts of emotions. To me the scenes and moments in the show really timed it nicely, for me to understand and have my moment of emotions. The stories are memorable. One particular episode really dug into a very serious topic, which they executed perfectly.
ALSO, one major factor that made me enjoy the show, was that they didn't go off in a nostalgic route in which many current shows do whenever they go out in a setting that takes place in a different time such as the 70s 80s or 90s. This show does not glorify the mainstream consumption of nostalgia, and instead just goes out with what the 70s had, and how society was back then, with some whacky moments, or unrealistic situations.
for the people who get easily offended by the most miniscule political change, don't watch it, since it takes place in a time where the political landscape was different, and more suppressing, but fortunately the show does reveal moments in which women do take power, or when a minority takes the mantle of being a mayor.
All in all, I recommend this show to anyone, BUT young people like children or tweens. This show will be relatable in moments, funny, sad, intense. The characters really do progress along the episodes, so yeah I'll give it solid 5 stars.