Are all of these reviewers watching the same movie I saw? I absolutely hate when people get on line and trash something just because they want to be noticed...and this review will probably never be read by anyone else, but I just have to say this movie SUCKED! I have no problem with over the top violence, and I was fully prepared for it going in, but the plot was ridiculous, the acting was sub-par, the special effects were meh...and dropping F bombs as many times as you can does not make a lame joke funnier. Starro was always a lame villain in the comics, and as a large scale villain proved why it should never have been used. I'm sure this movie is going to make a ton of money, but all of these stellar reviews are just ridiculous. I swear it feels like its only happening because people who get paid to review movies know that if they can't get butt's in seats in theaters SOMEHOW!!! they'll be out of a job. I didn't pay a thing to see this movie and I wanted my money back. I just wish I could get the part of my soul that it sucked out back too!