It was...meh, it was finally dark, it focused on detective more than crime fighter it had alot of unique and positive turns that I have wanted to see for years, for example I said I would love a rated R Batman...this was not that
3 hours were completely unjustified, they spent way to long trying to hammer home the artistic and darkness...which yeah we got it move on, it felt like the new years joke "see you next year." The first time you heard it, it was funny, but 50 times later it's like, we all get it dude move on. I felt that way about alot of stuff in the movie, it was like they were overselling everything, so that a 5 year old could go, oh hey I get it too.
People can say I loved the art, I loved the darkness, however the selling out to make sure everyone gets it's artsy and dark, made it slow. I think a solid 1 and 1/2 hour movie I would of left there saying man dlwgat a great starting point for a trilogy, but 3 hours later I was like, wow they are insulting the audience to make sure they "get it"