I walked out the theater with a headache and out of breath because I was grinning so much and laughing way too much.
Marvel in my opinion since 2021 has been in the garbage can. Not alot of good movies! Maybe here and there like spiderman and guardians 3 but its rare theres a good movie from marvel now. I never got to see deadpool up until now and binged both movies the night before I went. I never laughed so hard in my life. I needed to take pause breaks just to catch my breath. Both movies are fantastic. I’ll say 1 is better than the second. But this is the best movie yet. Not only is it a tribute to ryan reynolds but the xmen themselves. A very overlooked franchise. There was alot of love put into this movie. Start to finish! It does tend to drag alittle towards the end and they poke fun at that! Makes you feel alittle better but overall when you see pictures of the cast before the movie comes out with big smiles on their faces finishing up on the set. They are having fun and when they are having fun! You are guaranteed to also have fun! And it’s guarenteed to make you laugh. Ryan reynolds is a national treasure and hugh jackman makes his biggest comeback yet!!!