Awful..just awful and boring. Umbrealla company creating a new Raccon city at mid of South Afrika..just WHY? Why is the name of the city is Raccon city at all?? Ä°f I was survivor of first Raccon city Zombie outbreak. Ä°t would be salt on my is like mocking with Raccon city and all its dead citizen who turned zombies and perished at atomic
There has been so many RE movies/TV show adaptaion..not one of them stayed truly faitful to source materials of RE or had enough budget to make a decent RE movie or TV show. Bu this one most awful one. Ä°t is same as mocking fan base of the RE video games. Only person I liked from this tv show was Lance Reddick who played Albert Wesker.I think his talent wasted on this RE netflix series. They could write and interesting scenario and somehow related to old RE games like RE7 and RE8 video games did with Mother Miranda and Lord Spencer. Wasted potential.Ä°t is anything but Resident Evil