think if you had never played any of the resident evil’s before this would be pretty good, but as I’ve played most of the resident evil’s I found re3 really short compared to the others. I spent about 4 and a half ish hours completing it but I feel like you could complete it in 2 hours or maybe less. Also I found there weren’t as many puzzles as re2 the remake. Seeing though it was set at the exact same time in the story line. It just seemed not difficult as all. Me personally I always like to have a challenge in the game, and this I just found really simple. I questioned myself while playing re3 and just thought it was really easy and self explanatory. Also learning from re2 the remake I found I would always have no ammo and not shorting was all I could do, but in re3 I had plenty of Ammo. I’m not saying it’s bad. In fact it’s really good and I enjoyed using as much ammo as I want. But I just wanted to state that. Although these are all my opinions. I really mean no hate. And collectively it was a good game, but I think there are other resident evils which are better. :)