I ignored every criticism of this movie,as is the case for every movie I watch,I go to see films that I personally want to see,and I wanted to see this,the last hurrah for the X-Men (?) While not perfect,and Sophie Turner's acting is wooden,the action scenes and mutant power conflicts make up for this.Better than The Last Stand,for sure.Look,we have a Marvel checklist to tick,A new (old) mutant cameo right at the beginning,a shock end to one character,Jessica Chastaine,who makes for a more interesting Villain,plus EVERY X-Man gets the spotlight showcasing their powers.The speeding train sequence was thrilling to watch.This movie is suffering in the wake of Endgame,unfairly being compared and we all know that's impossible.I liked Endgame,but the X-Men movies are more dramatic simply because of the premise.While the continuity and the timelines are hopelessly muddled,with two sets of cast members,I enjoyed this nevertheless-7/10