One of the best movies I have ever watched in my life. What Schindler's List did for Holocaust, The Kashmir Files did for genocide of the The Kashmiri Pandits (Hindus). The sheer brutality shown will send chills down the spine and you would be forced to think why it took 32 years to make a movie on this topic. A masterclass when it comes to storytelling, calling a spade a spade, and remarkable direction, this should easily win a lot awards in the world of cinema. But then, The Kashmir Files was never created to win awards, it was created for telling to forgotten story of the genocide of the Kasmiri Pandits and showing a mirror to the so called 'secular' people of the society who have indulged in only appeasing a section of the society. Hope this movie will inspire younger generations to understand the brutal past and history of Hindu community's plight at the hands of radical Islamists. This movie will also serve as a case study of how religion became paramount for even average moderate Muslims and how they forgot the brotherhood of humanity towards their fellow Kashmiri Hindu brothers and sisters and contributed towards their genocide and exodus from Kashmir. #NeverForget