I wish I can rate this game 3.5 but anyway. The game is "okay" if you have never played ME trilogy and "okay to mediocre" if you played ME trilogy and care about the continuity of your choices from those games. Since this game doesn't ask your ME saves from previous games, the game's background storyline may or may not fit your preferred choices.
I like the "your choice define your pathfinder personality" aspect and the battle is more challenging than previous ME. The graphic is amazing. I also like the simplified power system.
But this is one of those games that is fun when you played 2-3 early main missions and the fun is diminished when you play further into the game. The reason is, the gameplay become so repetitive. You scan glyphs and visit numerous similar dark vaults again and again. Even for a game I considered shorter than what I expected, each mission feels so long. Then the squad mates, they introduce the usual humans, krogan, asari, turian ones but with less interesting personality, plus one new species. Why the creator didn't explore those fascinating species from ME trilogy, like Hanar, I don't know. The story is also meh. And ultimately, there is this technicality problem (the game lagging a lot), interface problem, and I don't know if these are bcs of bugs, but many times the characters opened their mouth no sounds heard, or the subtitle suddenly gone, or you can hear the sounds yet the characters didn't move their mouth LMAO.
Anyway, again, an okay game. The game probably will get same rating but with less clout and sales if it's not part of ME franchises. It's a shame that Bioware don't release any DLC for this even only to improve the brand, but I'm not disappointed either. The game is forgettable.