The Originals is the spin off to The Vampire Diaries and focuses on The Mikaelson family story. The Originals is an amazing addition to the Tvd universe. Season 01 focuses on Klaus and Hayley Marshall’s daughter Hope’s birth and the problems that it brings. Season 02 is about an age old prophecy created by Esther Mikaelson’s long lost sister Dahlia, where she would take every Mikaelson firstborn as her own. Season 03 was about a prophecy that each Mikaelson would fall, one by foe, one by friend and one by family. Season 04 was set 5 years later and had a new villain named the Hollow. Now Season 05, the final season has begun. The Originals has given us so many loveable characters, like Klaus, Elijah, Hayley, Hope. It has even brought back characters from the dead, like Kol Mikaelson an Davina Claire. Best of all, it has given us another chance to see Tvd characters. In S02E06, Nina Dobrev appears as Tatia Petrova, the first doppelgänger. In S03E14, Paul Wesley appears as Stefan Salvatore. In S04E13 and one more, Matt Davis appears as Alaric Saltzman and now, Candice King has appeared in S05E01 as Caroline Forbes and is set to appear in 4 more episodes of the final season. So The Originals is another show you should not miss!