So awesome! And yet, it went off in an unexpected and confusing direction. Season 1 starts off and finished with a love story that leaves you wanting to know if the pair make it through the trials of a classical fantasy world smashed into the unchanging human world of greed and hatred.
Season 2 begins with the answer that these two can make it work and want to make it work. But somewhere along the rush of mashing what could have been two additional seasons into one overloaded scramble of information they not only decide that they can't make it but that the female lead has more love for an ex-girlfriend that she had friend zoned than for the man she had morned over for several years and begged to leave the city with her so they could live free in her home land.
The ending came as a slap in the face with no clear explanation as to why he's being left in the dust other than she's a selfish person that doesn't actually know what she wants which leaves you questioning if she's even going to be true to the ex-girlfriend she marries in the end.