Honestly, I was initially bummed out about this game. Played it and put it down as janky, soulless and seen it all before mechanics.
Maybe I got too influenced by the nay sayers and doom mongers. So I picked it up again and spent sometime in the world.
Genuinely I had a really good time. There was, after the initial underworlds mission, a wealth of activities and quests, treasure to find and secrets to unlock by listening in to 'intel'. A highlight was creeping through a tie fighter docking bay with stormtroopers and officers patrolling. It felt perfectly realised as a star wars scene with pitch perfect music.
I'm not a star wars fan boy but happily watch them, even so it's hard not to get caught up in the cool factor of knocking out officers, hacking imperial equipment and, upon discovery, blasting your way free.
I would say, yes other games do stealth better, climbing and free roam open would better but the game does have charm. Just give it a chance and go in knowing its not perfect but the child in you will love immersing yourself in a star wars soup.