Bianna Golodryga MUST be removed from the position of hosting Amampour and Company. she is an insult to the non-biased and objective platform you all have worked so hard to build. she interrupts every guest. she asserts her personal opinions and accuses honest guests of anti-semitism when they are simply stating facts. her partiality towards israel and her ignorance of more than half a century of occupation and mass genocide of indigenous palestine citizens is absolutely appalling. i can understand she might not agree with the facts and that is her right. but it is EXTREMELY unprofessional for her to personally attack guests who came to offer their perspective. i really began watching because of Christian's eloquent professionalism and ability to listen to every guest even when it is obvious they do not agree. I miss her reporting, i really feel like i was watching history in the making. and i am sure that Miss Bianna Golodryga will also accuse me of being "anti-semitic" when i tell her she needs to keep her opinions to herself especially when it is obvious she is in favour of those committing genocide.