This film truly captivates the simplicity and complexity of growing in a middle-class family in Mexico. Every detail in the movie is spot-on and very culturally relevant, thus helping construct a very realistic story that represents Mexico very well. I felt like I was transported back to my childhood! It’s true that the story narrated it’s quite subtle but if you truly pay attention you’ll catch MANY messages behind each stunning shot.
Also, finally having an exact representation of Mexico & it’s people on film, is heartwarming & inspiring. This film manages to push boundaries in the world of cinema & it reminds filmmakers about the art of story telling. The whole crew managed to transport me back to a place in my life that I truly tresure & that’s why I loved this movie! Although it highlights social issues that are still not being addressed in Mexico, it also touches on how powerful family bonds can be. In the end, this masterpiece will definitely create a conversation about social issues that are ignored & it will also open doors to unrepresented groups in the movie industry & hopefully lead to a future of more diverse films.