I had no idea what to expect going into this. I didn't even watch any trailers. I, like many others I'm sure, went into this expecting something decent because of the Coen name. Needless to say, I'm pretty disappointed.
I'm really not sure what Ethan Coen was thinking when he made this film. There were a few parts that made me chuckle, but for the most part, the film was not very funny. Lots of ridiculous moments and PLENTY of lesbian sexual encounters. I feel like they were aiming for an absurd film that doesn't take itself seriously. Shock value for the sake of shock value to make the viewer uncomfortable. Unfortunately, it just didn't really work out here.
While I didn't completely hate this film, I think it would be best to skip this one. You won't be missing much. The raunchy and sexual subject matter will be too much for many viewers. However, I do think that some will enjoy it and if you're feeling adventurous, maybe give it a shot? Just don't go in expecting an Oscar-winning Coen Brothers film, because you definitely won't get it. 2/5