I vividly recall entering the theater, adrenaline coursing through my body as I anxiously anticipated what I knew would be the ultimate cinematic experience; needless to say this film did not disappoint. The whole theatre was silent from the second it started, till the second it ended, the feeling of awe was truly palpable. Once the film ended, a standing ovation penetrated the silence and broke the sense of awe which shifted to an inspiring feeling of admiration for the film's cinematography, voice-acting, and animation. I would not be surprised if the film was nominated and won Best Film of the Year, it is truly a renowned work of art and one I would not hesitate to watch again! The only true weakness of the film was the peculiar scenes, which I will elaborate upon in further detail later in this review. If I have yet to persuade you to watch this film, I'll elaborate further in the subsequent section of this review, where I touch upon its intricate beautiful scenes.
As I've said, I'll be delving into spoilers, so I advise that you go into the film with my accredited opinion. You will not be disappointed.
The entirety of the film consisted of what was initially the antagonist of the movie: Michael Morbius and the well respected protagonist, Gru. Their rivalry was intense, so much so, that it developed into a passionate homosexual relationship and several steamy sex scenes, a change a bit strange to add into a kid's film, however, one that is openly welcomed!
In the second act of the film, both characters came together to defeat the imminent threat: Alternate-Thanos-Gru and Alternate-Thanos-Morbius; the inclusion of a multi-universe plot sets up the intricacy of the film, and it does so in such great scientific accuracy. It is so accurate, as a matter of fact, that in the credits scene the director, PewDiePie, included citations in APA format for his directive decisions concerning scientific matters. As a former Quantum Physicist, it was refreshing to see a film accurately depict a multi-verse in such a true-to-life fashion!
That's not all! In the final act of the film, a finale between the forces of good and evil, the Alternate Characters came together and fused, using their signature catchphrases, "It's Morbin Time!" and "It's Gru-in Time!" This was such an unexpected turn of events that the entirety of the theatre unanimously gasped in disbelief! It seemed that Gru and Morbius were done for, and my heart ached at the possibility that both of these characters could die! Yet, in spite of the treachery, both Gru and Morbius persevered, and using an army of minions and sussy crewmates fought what I can only describe as the most intense militaristic skirmish. The valiance of some of these minions, namely Bob, left me only with the wish to be fraction of the man Bob was! Morbius' sacrifice to snap using the gauntlet left me in tears, so much carnage....
Fortunately, in a passion, both characters held one another in a warm embrace as Morbius disintegrated into what would only be a memory; a memory which would become a legacy for all who watched the film!
The film was Moving. Emotional. Inspiring. Amazing.
It is imperative that everyone reading this review tattoo, "It's Morbin' Time!" to their chest as a form of kinship and alliance to all our Gru/Morbius brothers and sisters.
If you have not watched this film, I implore you to do so. You will not be disappointed!
And always remember, It's Gru-in Time!!!!!