For years I've always known that this was never a's purely a reboot that just has references from the original movie...that's why it was suitable for it to be called 'The kung Fu kid' which was it's original title due to what you see within this movie is kung Fu than karate...and that's why the characters names are different in this movie who doesn't go by the same names from the original...And finally there is now an upcoming crossover movie with Jackie Chan returning as 'Mr Han' along with the original karate kid Ralph Macchio as 'Daniel' which will come in 2024 that will show that these characters are indeed in the same this will finally put an end to those saying that this movie is a remake. But yeah I think this is a solid reboot with great powerful moments here and there...and my favourite scene is when Mr Han took on the bullies by saving Jaden Smith's character, Also I highly recommend watching the UK version of this movie...I can't remember if it was the Hong Kong version or the US version that has cut out the coolest moments including violent moments that were not too moments when Jaden Smith's character was getting bullied and him fighting at the many moments were cut out that was yeah Watch the UK release version that has everything including it's powerful moments.