This book is so........wonderful! So rich in material . I am part of a wise aging group from my Synagogue - Rodef shalom in San Rafael California - and over the past two years there have been a number of groups there - facilitators are trained to then lead newer gorups and we meet together twice a month for two hours on to reflect on what we have read and written and how the subject of aging is reflected in our lives.
Out group has just completed our last facilitated group meeting and we have decided to continue on our own meeting monthly at least for the next six months- there is no one in the group under 60 and the oldest member is a vibrant 86 year old woman who so reminds me of my deceased Mom that we are now fast friends . Please recommend this book to every human being on the planet for each of us if we are so fortunate will continue on the path of life into older age - and I want to do it brilliantly until my candle burns out